Sunday, November 09, 2008

Welcome To CHC Nursery!

Last Tuesday, Auntie Shirley asked me to do up this A4-sized photo of Jayvon with "some words" so that she can use it to decorate Expo Nursery.

I confess, I wasn't too keen to do it. I am so not a very artistic person.

But today in Nursery, Sally showed me what Irene did for her Keira. Oh man... It was so pretty! So I decided to TRY it out.

The miracle program I used: Photoscape!

The moral of the story? If I can do it, DEFINITELY so can you!

Enjoy my *ahem* masterpiece! =)


Credits for the photo goes to: Yang Zheng!

As you can see, I REALLY lurve this pic! Hahaha!

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