Monday, September 21, 2009

Love-Hate Relationship

It is one of the man-made inventions, with the specific purpose of both infuriating and fulfilling women the world over.

What am I talking about?


These wonderfully horrid things. Wickedly fabulous.

I admire girls who find putting on false eyelashes a breeeeeeze. Cos I sure don’t!

Most of the time, my dexterity-challenged fat butter fingers botch up the job!

(Of course if you’re a guy reading this, you’re probably shaking your head or rolling your eyes at the lengths girls go to in the name of beauty. False eyelashes, sky-high stilts stilettos, perming and preening…)

But still… This is my blog, and my time to rant. Hahaha!

I have a love-hate relationship with this false eyelashes. I even bought 2 PACKS of false eyelashes, in the faint hope that like osmosis, I’d miraculously learn how to use them well. I’m still waiting on God for this one.

I considered having lash extensions too, but a few ‘horror stories’ of friends who had their lashes extended and the initial result, while gorgeous, also resulted in quite a disastrous end after a few weeks.

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