I have two very talkative boys. And given how naturally reticent their Daddy is, I think it is pretty fair to say the boys got this chatty gene from me. Make that one talkative and one trying-to-be-talkative boy.
It is pretty amazing whenever I see the two boys interact.
Whether it is in sharing an apple, or simply sharing a toy (or fighting over it), I think siblings teach us a very important life lesson. Jay now learns to respect his younger brother and Xav also is learning to do the same. I guess the grass is always greener over the other side, and the toy is also much more interesting in another’s hands, and with Xav, a lot of Jay’s old (and long-forgotten) toys are now coming out of storage. And Jay is so funny, and every old-new toy his brother has his hands on, Jay will almost immediately snatch over by saying, “Let me see!” Of course, having had toys snatched out of his hands on a very regular basis has made my younger one vocal in expressing his own displeasure at the abovementioned affront. And so he would either scream, snatch the toy back or cry… or all three.
Which also means Mummy or Daddy has to step in, and remind Jay that toy-snatching is a no-no.
But the little known fact about kids is their ability to remember instructions well. Not.
But that is really part and parcel of parenthood. The highs with the lows. This week was a stretching week for us… and the main cause is teeth. Xav is entering a development stage where he is sprouting teeth like nobody’s business! He has 8 “full-blown” ones, and get this – 5 more whites peeking out of his gums.
Oh. My. Goodness.
Usually one teeth-breaking results in loads of saliva, irritability and sometime restless nights. Multiply that by five, and you will understand my eye bags. Over the weekend, when we’d come back from church, the lil one was in such a foul mood he was wailing and whining non-stop for an hour… instead of napping.
Fun times.
Thankfully (for us), Jay has been a wonderful older brother, albeit unknowingly. Firstly (and by far the most important), he has the most amazing ability to sleep through all kinds of noise. Definitely a chip off the old block (Daddy!) This has been TESTED, cos Jay managed to snooze undisturbed and unperturbed through the entire abovementioned hour-long wailing fest – in the same room. Secondly, he is now happily occupied by new interests. Doing up mini “cards” for Mummy and Daddy, and playing with his Transformers toys. Which means he is able to play by himself for stretches of 15, 20 minutes.
Any parent can probably attest. It is in those 15, 20 minutes of PEACE that we salve our ragged nerves and find a bit of solitude and strength to continue on… till the next 15, 20-minute break. Haha!
Well, it is my Talkative Thursday post, so this is just a verbal outpouring of some of my thoughts on parenting and the two boys.
Do link up if you have a Talkative Thursday post too~! :)
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