Wednesday, December 05, 2012

December 1-4 in pictures

One of the best things about going OFF my Blackberry (trusty and missed as it may be), I must admit, one of my favourite apps on my Samsung Note is… Instagram! I am attempting to be on Instagram for every day in December – no small feat considering I have two pairs of small feet tottering after me. All. The. Time. But here’s my past few days in photos (so far)!

December 1 (Saturday)

Courtesy of Jay, took my first shot of the bump! With this, I also participated in fellow mummy blogger Justina’s Instagram Challenge. The word tip for the day? Beginning. Thank God for the beginning of this wonderful new life within me!

December 2 (Sunday)

Sunday means… time for church! This weekend was the very exciting (and equally tiring for parents with younger kids) Family Weekend! The boys are normally happily entertained by going to the Children’s Church service (catering to their individual age groups), leaving the hubs and I free to enjoy some time and some peace to attend the main service. Win-win situation, cos the boys enjoy church! But once in a while, Family Weekends means all the kids join the parents in the main service! So to help entertain/distract the kiddos, the church kindly provides entertainment in the form of a “fun pack” for each child, lollies, and roaming mascots in the opening part of the service.

December 3 (Monday)

A day with my little prince. Just us, and him! Giving him some one-on-one time.

December 4 (Tuesday)

I was running an errand when I found these two new Dinosaur Train toys! My immediate thought: The boys will love them! [P.S. If you are thinking of getting them these, erm, thanks but they’ve been booked by their adoring aunt! I’d be happy to share other gifts they would enjoy though. Hahaha…]


Ai Sakura said...

I love photo challenges but am terrible at completing them. keep up the good work!

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

Unknown said...

Hahaha Ai! I am *trying* to meet Jus' challenge. But my personal one is to do it every week! :)

kewkew said...

I am with Ai, I tried the photo a day challenge for a few months and completely flopped. Keep up the good work.
And congratulations on the little blessing. Cute bump.

posh said...

Clifford is pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

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