Sunday, November 04, 2007

Arise & Build Weekend @ City Harvest

This was our long-awaited Arise & Build Weekend!

Pastor Kong Hee spoke on Abraham... How God helped him to deal with the terror by night by constantly reminding him of His promises to him. I was impacted by this! Especially when Pastor Kong read out little notes that he wrote to himself eons ago, on verses that God spoke to him to encourage him by.

I remember sticking little post-it notes in my Bible as well, verses that have brought me to where I am today. Of how God has spoken to me, as well, in that secret place.

I've been in CHC since... umm... 1998! Wow... So it is almost my tenth anniversary here! Looking back, it is quite incredulous to think of how my life has changed since first stepping into the church at Hollywood theatre. The lessons learnt here, the friends made, the joy experienced, the tears shed... but most importantly, the God that I have the privilege & opportunity to love & to serve.

And so with this 3rd Arise & Build campaign, I am looking forward for more of what God will do through Pastor and through this church! =)

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