Monday, March 10, 2008

Bringing Up Boys...

One of the presents received when Jayvon was born was this very interesting book - Bringing Up Boys by Dr. James Dobson.

Nic & I have been reading this book, and I am about 3/4 ways through it! It is really a very interesting read! I come from a family of three other sisters and no brothers - so this book gives insight into why boys are the way they are, why they tend to get into "more trouble" than girls, how to get their attention, how to teach them in the right way, and more importantly, like what the small print on the front of the book says, "Practical advice and encouragement for those shaping the next generation of men"

Dr. Dobson is the founder of Focus on the Family, and in this book, he writes in an easy manner regarding good parenting tips and what to look out for in various stages of Jayvon's life, and how to deal with it!

I've enjoyed the reading of this book, and we're both looking forward to guiding Jayvon to be the boy (& man) that God has intended for him to be!

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