Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Back. To. Work.

After a l-o-n-g break, it was pretty hard-going trying to get back to the routine of WORK once again!

But we soon got into the rhythm of things again!

One thing Jay adores about the Suntec nursery ... The sheer number of toys! Check out the photo of him trying out a donkey ride!

Now that he is going to turn a year old (Wh-at!?!?! I can hardly believe it!!), it's time for us to... Think of childcare solutions when he turns 2! That's a year away! Was talking to a colleague, who is spending $780 a month on her 4-year old's school fees! That is so expensive! Gulp....


Anonymous said...

Jayv looks like a boy in this picture! Feels grown-up but he's still small la. ;)

Unknown said...

Haha! Yeah - I think he looks kinda "grown up" too. Where has all the time flown to!?!?

Katy said...

I love the picture, too cute! It's amazing how expensive both daycare and preschool are. I am lucky that my MIL watches both my boys, but I still have the preschool problem. I agree 1 is approaching way too fast for my baby. Where does the time go?

Tara Bennett said...

What a cutie! Good luck with your new schedule.