Thursday, April 01, 2010

My Little Parrot

Jayvon is a parrot.

(Photo credit: Flickr)

Ok, so not literally.

But close enough.

I was on the line with a colleague, and Jay was happily sitting on my lap (cos he was watching his favourite Zoo World on my laptop).

And as I was speaking to her, my colleague was laughing, cos he was mimicking (and quite well, I might add) words such as…

“Formally… Passed a resolution… Definitely…”

Methinks… He can grow up to be a lawyer! Haha!

Of course, after I put down the phone, I took the opportunity to teach him tougher words like ‘refrigerator”… And he confidently went “re-re-free-ger-a-tor-a-tor”! I think I shall just stick to 4-syllabic words for now…

Hahaha! He is a cutie! Definitely chased my work blues away! :)

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