Monday, June 06, 2011

I need that click of yours!

I received a very pleasant BBM from Kless, who gushed that we had BOTH been nominated for the Best Family Blog in this year’s Singapore Blog Awards. Hurray for us both! Good on us! Hahaha!

This is a brand new category-which is pretty exciting seeing well, this fits right up my alley, ya know. After all, with two kids, it gives me plenty of fodder for things to blog plus cute photos of cute kiddos! And with 10 nominations in this category, I figured I might as well try to put up as good a fighting shot as I can.

So I hereby announce the start of my campaign. Not nearly as exciting as the General Elections, not nearly as important as the upcoming Presidential Elections. I can’t afford to hire those trucks to blast their loudhailers around your estate nor nearly enough campaign budget to print any posters. Nah, my campaigning is really low-budget cheapo simple. If you vote for me, I promise to keep you entertained and engaged with my blog posts, generously sprinkled with loads of photos of my adorable kids and the antics they find themselves in.

*cue the flag waving*

Why you should vote for me (hereafter known as my Manifesto):

1) Cos you are a parent and can totally relate to me. Especially with a 2nd kiddo along.

2) Cos you are preparing to be a parent soon, and can (hopefully) glean the to-dos and (more importantly) not-to-dos. And good deals. And random stuff.

3) Cos you’re glad you’re not in my high heels or staying in my house.

But hey, if you enjoy reading my blog, laughing together with me, do spare me a minute (or maybe two). To vote for me, go here and register for a account, and ta-da! Your vote is a mere click away. No need to go to your nearby polling station, no need to figure if it’s a tick or cross,  easy-peasy, I tell you. ;)

sba2011-blog-icon  Thanks in advance!

(Pssst, you can vote once a day, so do keep those votes coming. Closing date for voting: 3 July 2011)

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