Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Running Boys

I am a full-time working Mummy, and I work from Mondays to Fridays.

Weekends used to be a time of lounging, lounging and more lounging. But with kids, that soon became a thing of the past. The hubby and I work from Mondays to Fridays, and while we do bring the kids out on some weekday nights, there are also other commitments that make it hard to do so (like church activities, cell group meetings). So weekends are precious to spend time with the kids.

With two very active boys, sometimes the easier thing is to bring them out and let them expend some energy. Run around. Scream a bit. Jump about. And it is a win-win situation. We get to spend some fun time as a family… and they get to nap easily once we get home.

A few weeks ago, when we were at Parkway, we noticed that the Safra Sprint Run was happening on June 24-25. And on the spur of the moment decided to enter both kids in the parent-accompaniment sprint. (Yes, even my barely-walking-by-himself-toddler) on



It is actually a short sprint, but my little boy was so pumped about the whole experience, I am doing to sign up for next year’s kids races!


And in a few seconds it was over – but my boys were so happy with the medal given! Haha! Everyone’s a winner!

The Sprint Run is really a competitive race for the older kids, but we’re just in this for a morning of fun!

The run, coupled with a hearty Swensen’s breakfast after that, made for perfect conditions for the kids to have a good nap after that.

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