Wednesday, March 18, 2009



The time is now 1.45 a.m. (yikes!)

I just finished up one long email. Long, not in terms of length of email or number of words… but long in terms of the amount of brain cells burnt up to get the email out.

Phew! It is finished and I am all set to collapse!


Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Ha! It doesn't really matter how "long" it is if you have to actually think about what your writing - it's just as exhuasting to have to think about it.

Tiffany said...

Hope you got some good sleep after that!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get some rest!

I always joke that baby's days can be summed up by one of the 7 dwarfs' names each day!

Anonymous said...

Hee! I always stay up too late, too. Just can't help it!