My little boy is walking!
Oh, it took him some time… and he sure took his own sweet time. But officially at a “ripe” old age of 15 months +, he has graduated from a few tentative steps, to walking up and down (and up and down) the house today!
What a milestone for my little trooper!
And needless to say, older brother is pleased to have his brother all “grown up” now (kidspeak for “Yippee! Finally someone to REALLY play with me!”). It is also perhaps inevitable for me to say: “Where did my baby go to?!?”
Nonetheless, what a blessing it is to be able to be a part of these two boys’ lives.
They amuse each other, and entertain each other so much (and oft so loudly).
And now with BOTH of them walking and trampling about… I can sense some tiring days ahead!
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