Thursday, February 14, 2013

About love

Happy Valentine’s Day!

And on this special day, I am thankful for the three men in my life.

20130214_014222 To my man, who has stood by me. I am thankful to find someone who loves me as much as he does. Patient through my tantrums, loving through my “moments” and ever-able to bring a smile to my face even when fatigue looms near. It has been a total of 14 years we have walked together as a couple, of which the last 6 was spent as a married couple. As we prepare to enter a brand new period in our lives, relocating for 2 years to Sydney while he pursues his academic dream, I can’t imagine living life with anyone else. Even in my waddling, whale-like state now (check out my huge tummy, as taken over the Chinese New Year holidays), I appreciate his foot rubs and back massages, and helping to ease the aches and pains of pregnancy. Thank you, babe! *muacks!*

JayXav-cnyI am also thankful for the love of these two other little men.

Jay … for his “deep” conversations on dinosaurs and India and Sydney and life in general. What a delight and pride he is! I see how he patiently helps Xav in saying his prayers at night and how he (sometimes) willingly gives up his toys for his younger brother… And when I see his baby photos, I cannot imagine how much he has grown into a little man now, shedding the baby fat and the “babyish” look!

Xav … for cheeky nonsensical chatter that amuses me as I try to decipher. I appreciate his trying to parrot after me in pronouncing words properly, and the fact he seems to grasp the concept of “taking turns” for all of 1 minute before insisting “It’s Xavier’s turn NOW.” I cannot believe he is turning two in two months’ time, and I foresee many, many, MANY more interesting conversations to come!

Thank you, sweethearts! *double muacks!*

Link up your Talkative Thursday post today! Talk about love (or not, it’s up to you!) Haha!'s Talkative Thursdays

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